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Happy Birthday Gifts Ideas Birthday Flowers, Birthday Balloons, Birthday Gift Baskets, at Justflowers.com
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Spring Fresh Bouquet


Celebrate the fresh beauty and renewed hope of spring with this gorgeous bouquet! Express a most poignant birthday message in chic style. Order today!

Bursting Bouquet


Brighten their world with a delightful celebration of pretty colors and blooming wonder with this basket of fresh, festive cheer. Why wait--send flowers today!

Petit Basket with Balloons


Full of fabulous fun and lovely joy, this exuberant and attractive arrangement of bright balloons and becoming blossoms will instantly brighten anyone's world! Don't delay--send flowers today!

How Sweet


Zesty tangerine roses and brilliant blossoms are punctuated with punches of hot pink to deliver a dynamic duet of fragrance and cheer! This energetic arrangement is sure to invigorate the senses, encourage smiles and express your birthday wishes with ease!

Pink Cotton Candy


Known for its blossoming ability, the hydrangea is truly a garden treasure, and this peaceful pink plant is no exception! Beautiful blooms always make a joyous and smile-inducing birthday gift!

Azalea -- Birthday


Personify delicate grace and blossoming beauty with this amazingly lovely azalea arrangement. Express yourself fully--send flowers today!

Bearing My Love


Open your heart and your soul to a time of endless affection with that special someone. Be prepared to be the center of attention as its time for Bearing My Love! One perfect red roses with a teddy bear showers the moment in pure romantic bliss.

My Pink Kalanchoe


Vivid and lively, this array of rich green plants and vibrant pink flowers creates a captivating and charming assortment! Sweet floral scents and fresh, natural beauty makes this a truly exquisite birthday gift!

Hypnotic Wishes


Ignite that true artist in all of us with a fresh cool-colored plethora of mystical blossoms so perfect as if hand-painted. Lavish hypnotic purple, luscious lavender, energizing fuschia, and snow white paint the perfect picture of glitz and glamour that special someone can appreciate!

Bold and Bright


Give a little token of happy cheer in the colors of happy! Sunkissed yellow, mystical purple, and hot pink come together in unison for that ultimate celebration with cherished friends. Bold and bright are the themes of the day!

White Grandeur


A splendidly pure and stunning arrangement of all white bursts with floral beauty and sweet scents. Assorted lilies and other fresh flowers create a gorgeous medley of fragrant blooms, making this an ideal gift for a cherished birthday person in your life!

Enchantment Bouquet


Cast a spell with the Enchantment Bouquet, brimming with pink roses, carnations and poms. This assortment of soft petals is sure to wow a special birthday boy or girl in your life.

Rainbows of Color


Take a vivid splash into the Rainbows of Color for that radiant entrance into the room! Wow them with a sophisticated ensemble of striking purple, creamy white, and energizing orange blossoms that will set their senses in a frenzy! The perfect collaboration from all the colors of the rainbow is the perfect gesture to make a grand impression.

My Little Sweet Pea


Peppy purple petals pop with pretty pizazz! Springing to life from this stylish lavender cube vase, these vibrantly fresh flowers will light up any room, making them a sweet smelling and truly luminous birthday gift!

Bright Greetings


How darling! Brighten their world with a delightful celebration of pretty pastels and blooming wonder with this basket of fresh, festive cheer. Why wait--send flowers today!

Spring Meadow Birthday Bas..


A cuddly bear tucked away in a charming basket of vibrant and fresh springtime flowers. A truly Inspirational and heartwarming birthday gift.

Touched by Grace


Actions speak louder than words. Be refined by grace with a dazzling plethora of luxurious blossoms in feminine shades of scarlet red and precious pink to highlight that special occasion. Get taken away by the moment and loose yourself in utter decadence.

Hot Pink Shimmer


Step out onto the dance floor dolled up in your favorite threads and a pair of matching shoes for a bit of Hot Pink Shimmer! Dance the waltz, the zumba, or your favorite moves with that special someone for a night out on the town is always a night to remember. Click your heels and shake your hips for a hot night out with friends is a sure things to celebrate!

Sweet Pea Violet


Delicate decorative violets adorn this charming country birthday basket, abounding with the sweetest array of flowers that a pretty pasture could offer.

Holland Basket


Brilliant blue iris, vibrant yellow tiger lilies, precious pink snapdragons, pure white carnations, and either white tulips or roses make this a dazzling arrangement. Set in a natural-looking basket, this assortment of blissful blooms is a heart-warming Birthday gift.

Pink Flirt


A vivid vision of the warmest wishes, brought to life as fragrant, fresh bouquet!

A Little Sass


Try something new with a bold and sassy twist of a A Little Sass! Sassy red and flirtatious pink blossoms collaborate together to make a futuristic statement as if in trend for the fashion season. Take a walk on the contemporary side and dare to be different!

Daisy Surprise


Blooming with exquisite contrast and vitality, this lovely florist arrangement of innocent daisies and becoming roses emits a most poignant, tender message of sincere sentiment. Express yourself fully--send flowers today!

Medium Ginger Jar


An overflowing assortment of colorful, bright flowers, this medley exudes natural beauty and cheerful charm! Vibrant and sweet smelling, these blooms make for a breathtaking gift for a special birthday boy or girl!

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