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Smooth Jazz Bouquet


When someone special is on your mind, send the gift of flowers. This stunning, eye-catching arrangement of white tulips is an ideal way to say Thank You and one they will not soon forget.

Paradise Island Bouquet


Put your feelings into words with this elegant and lively bouquet of flowers. The Paradise Island Thinking of You Bouquet is a heart-warming and unique way to let a friend or loved one know they're on your mind.

Pink Profusion Bouquet


Pretty pastels shimmer with grace from this exquisite array of fresh flowers! Delicately beautiful, these blooms are sure to fill any room with joy and light, making them a lovingly luminous gift!



Bold, rich hues brim with beauty and vibrance from this array of fresh flowers. Captivating and charming, these blooms radiate breathtaking appeal and sweet floral fragrance, making them a truly splendid gift!

Pink and Lavender Gerbera ..


So pretty and becoming, this positively gorgeous blend of pink and purple blossoms will uplift spirits while delighting the soul. Praise the power of flowers--send today!

Royal Arrangement


Beautiful and becoming, the heavenly fragrance and splendor of these exquisite flowers radiate royal opulence. Don�t delay--have a florist deliver today!

Traditional Beauty


Ode to purple joy! Share the richness and delicate beauty of lavender loveliness with this tranquil bouquet. Send flowers today!

Large European Garden


Lush, exotic, and pulsing with electrifying color! Deliver these gorgeous greens and vibrant hues in a charming basket arrangement today!

Croton Garden Basket


Bright with flowering color and a warm, earthy vibe, this lovely assortment of vivid greens and graceful leaves emits a most poignant and personal message. Send today!

Medium European Garden


Exotic, lush, and pulsing with bright color! Deliver these gorgeous greens and vibrant pinks in a charming basket arrangement today!

Garden Dish with Curly Wil..


Shapely and richly energetic, this lovely arrangement of vivid greens and graceful leaves emits a most poignant and personal message. Send today!

Garden Dish


Sun-drenched with warm earthiness, this lovely assortment of vivid greens and graceful leaves emits a most poignant and personal message. Send today!

Large Garden Dish


Rich with a warm and earthy vibe, this lovely assortment of vivid greens and graceful leaves emits a most poignant and personal message. Send today!

Medium Garden Dish


Warm with a rich and earthy vibe, this lovely assortment of vivid greens and graceful leaves emits a most poignant and personal message. Send today!

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)


Exuberant and alive with peace and tranquility, this richly exotic plant exudes fresh air and vitality. Send today!

Red Duchess Philodendron


With emerald green earthiness, this richly exotic plant exudes fresh air and vibrant energy. Send today!

Royal Luxury


Rich in lavender and cream, overflowing with opulent beauty, this lush and fragrant bouquet exudes grand and regal luxury. Express your dear sentiment--send flowers today!

One Dozen Red Roses


Extravagant and decadent, yet classically beautiful and elegant, this assortment of radiantly ravishing red roses. A timelessly heartfelt and thoughtful gift.

A Blast of Colors


Jump for joy with A Blast of Colors in the perfect summery shades of hot pink, purple, and white to start the season off right. Be that mind-blending inspiration for a tid bit of summery style meets modern twist for its the perfect addition to any occasion and of course, that cuddly teddy bear to add that extra love!

Rosy Roses


A beautiful vase brims with delicate and soft, yet bold and vibrant, pink roses. Verdurous greens add captivating contrasts, making this a truly special and extraordinary birthday gift!

Sweet Enchantment


Bold and vibrant, this stunning assortment of pink roses is a true testament to nature's brilliantly beautiful bounty. What a heartfelt and thoughtful gift!

Sunset Visions


Get whisked away to a tropical island with this vibrantly bright and fragrant medley of flowers. The aura of the tropics will fill any room when these brilliant blooms are present - what a wonderfully thoughtful gift!

Blooming Sunshine


Vibrantly bright and cheerful, this medley of felicitous flowers illuminates the world with brilliant beauty and sweet floral fragrance. Spoil someone you care about with nature's graceful bounty!

Garden Splendor


Nature's splendor abounds in this delightfully beautiful and charming medley of fresh, fragrant flowers. What a truly beautiful and thoughtful gift!

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