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Pretty Petals Arrangement


Make a statement in your work space with this beautiful bouquet of roses, lilies and tulips. Blossoms of pink, peach and white explode from this arrangement, making it a wonderful way to spruce up an office.

Sunshine Daydream Arrangem..


Add a dash of whimsy to your office with this whimsical assortment of pink, purple, blue, white and cream roses and lilies. This aromatic bouquet will bring warm, bright sunshine to any day.

Pastel Palette Bouquet


Soft and velvety petals drip from this arrangement, making it symphony for the senses. The Pastel Palette Bouquet is filled with fragrant cream and pastel roses spilling out from a beautiful bubble bowl. This stunner is sure to breathe a breath of fresh air into your work space.

Nature's Colors Bouquet


The Nature's Colors Bouquet is abounding with nature's bounty of red, pink, purple and orange roses. This vibrant and vivacious medley of color and fragrance is an unforgettable way to make your office sparkle.

Springtime Greetings


This gorgeous medley of pink roses and lilies is a beautiful and fragrant way to spruce up your work space and grab the attention of your colleagues and customers.

Soft Essences Bouquet


Flowers are the perfect way to spruce up your work space, and this adorable assortment of pink and white gerber daisies is no exception.

Springtime Garden Basket


Dazzle your customers and co-workers with this beautiful basket of pink and white lilies and carnations. Flowers are a wonderful way to liven up your work space.

Simple Wishes Roses


Add a sense of elegance and sophistication to your work space with this elegant and classic bouquet of red roses. These soft petals are sure to impress your colleagues and customers.

Summerburst Bouquet


Fill your work space with the beauty and fragrance of roses and daisies. This delightful mix of reds, yellows, blues and purples is a charming way to get the attention of colleagues and customers.

Angelique Bouquet


Impressing customers and colleagues has never looked or smelled better than with this eye-catching bouquet of flowers. These colorful and vibrant lilies, stargazers and daisies are the perfect way to spruce up your work space.

Sunny and Delightful


Add a splash of life and color to your work place with this bright and spirited assortment of purple and yellow mixed flowers. Dazzle your co-workers and add warmth to your home away from home.

Enchantment Bouquet


Enchant your work space and those around you with this beautiful and elegant arrangement of pink and purple roses. The Enchantment Bouquet is sure to grab the attention of all who see it.

Floral Celebration


Unleash your inner child and have some fun with a bouquet of candy colored shimmering blooms meant to charm that special someone.

Loving Embraces


A stunning plant of pristine white flowers and lush greens sparkles with natural beauty and charm. Fresh and beautiful, this plant will make a perfect gift!

Two Dozen Red Roses


Extravagant yet classically beautiful and elegant, this stunning arrangement of two dozen ravishing red roses will fill an office with brilliant beauty and life. What a wonderful token of sincere gratitude for their business!

Tulip Garden


Capture the heavenly glory of nature with a blooming bouquet of beautiful tulips! Bursting with vivid hues artfully arranged in a tranquil glass vase, these breathtaking flowers truly express all you have to say...and so much more. Send today!

Touched by Love


Add a bit of elegance and striking beauty to that memorable occasion. At some point in life we are all Touched by Love. Give that special someone a piece of your heart with a plethora of ravishing red and shimmering white blossoms to set their spirits free.

Sensual Aromas


What a wonderful sentiment for that special someone! The gift of sensual aromas has arrived in style and radiance! Charm them from head to toe in bold hues of dazzling pink andf mystical purple. Your deepest affections are sure to be rewarded.

Whirlwind of Color


Brighten up the theme of the day with a radiant palette of color to suggest just a bit femininity. Bring out that sensuous side with those aromatic fresh florals to start that fashionable season off right. A gift of flair and style is always the right choice!

Rose Petal Wishes


Make them blush! Embrace their hearts with velvety sensuous petals the colors of that favorite blushing champagne to savor every moment in pure bliss. Get lost in a life of luxury and forget all of your troubles!

Rising Star


Take the center stage and set your hopes high and your dreams big to be the next luck Rising Star! All pink aromatic stargazers lilies charm that special someone in the most sensual way. Give the gift of love and affection for every moment counts.

Peace and Love


A walk by the a quiet river in deep meditation is the ultimate healing into Peace and Love. Show them you care and your are always there for them as a friend or loved one unconditionally. There is nothing more tranquil than a gift of an invigorating green plant to symbolize that simple thought.

Fragrance from Heaven


Drift away onto Cloud 9 with a Fragrance From Heaven with a picture perfect bouquet of pastel pink and white luscious blooms. Make that special someone feel as if they are the only one in the world.

15 Tulip Assortment w/vase


Celebrate with tulips. What a wonderful way to brighten anyone's day. 15 Tulips.

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